For this project I was tasked with creating an apple watch application considering Apple's new features that are available. I wanted to create something close to me and something that I would use or would have used as a kid. That brought me back to one thing which was baseball. I looked into what was possible in this realm and their were applications about golf and tennis in which they were able to track swing speed, ball distance, swing angle, etc. When I figured this out I created a concept for a batting practice assistant app known as Slugger.

The main task for this application is to track user hits during practice giving them their stats and placement providing a heat map for the player. The target-user is tech-savvy baseball or softball players who are looking to improve their batting proficiency.
When first sketching there were two things I knew I wanted to include which were a heat map and friendly coaching style akin to Nike's running app. This heat map allows for the player track where they are hitting their balls and see their improvement in real-time. Furthermore, this friendly coaching style comes through in the app's task flow and reminders during instruction. I wanted the app to feel familiar, yet still informational.


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